- 3D Art Crystals (6)
- Air Fresheners- Christian and Catholic (4)
- All Christian Bookmarks (353)
- Armor of God Coin Collection (14)
- Auto Rosaries (30)
- Baptism Gifts Boys and Girls (64)
- Birthstones (36)
- Boho Cross Bracelets (5)
- Bookmark Bible Cards (4)
- Bookmark Sets (28)
- Bookmarks (233)
- Bookmarks - Assurance (10)
- Bookmarks - Christian Life (15)
- Bookmarks - Confession (4)
- Bookmarks - God (3)
- Bookmarks - Mission (5)
- Bookmarks - Prayer (3)
- Bookmarks - Salvation (7)
- Bookmarks - Scripture (3)
- Bookmarks - Scripture Card (95)
- Bookmarks - Tasseled (59)
- Bookmarks - Tatted (7)
- Bulk - Wholesale - Olive Wood Ornaments and Nativities- Located in USA (115)
- Bulk Anointing Oils (19)
- Catholic - Icon Keyrings (12)
- Catholic Gifts (400)
- Catholic Jewelry (75)
- Catholic Medallions (2)
- Catholic Olive Wood Crosses (82)
- Catholic Olive Wood Stand Plaques (26)
- Catholic Pins (7)
- Catholic Tapestry Rosary Pouch (37)
- Children's Bookmark Assortments (6)
- Children's Christian Bookmarks (70)
- Children's Pass Along Card Assortments (6)
- Children's Pass Along Cards (30)
- Children's Poster Prints (10)
- Christian Bookmark Assortments (47)
- Christian Bookmark Bulk Packs (154)
- Christian Challenge Coins (139)
- Christian Rings for Men and Women (58)
- Christmas (181)
- Christmas Cards (13)
- Christmas Jewelry (1)
- Christmas Olive Wood (115)
- Christmas Ornaments (148)
- Coin Assortments (6)
- Comfort Crosses (30)
- Communion Cups (1)
- Confirmation & Christening Gifts (150)
- Cross Necklace Wood (40)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Desk (10)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Wall (24)
- Desk Accessories (3)
- Easter - Resurrection Products (22)
- Father's Day (39)
- Featured (172)
- First Communion Gifts (98)
- Flashlights (30)
- Fridge Scripture Magnets (55)
- Handyman Pens (14)
- Holiday Bookmarks (14)
- Holy Land Anointing Oil from Israel For Prayer (86)
- Holy Water Bottles (35)
- Hot Deals (14)
- Influencers Ministries Journey Products (6)
- Jerusalem Cross (22)
- John 3:16 Coins: God's Love Challenge Coin Collection (3)
- Kitchen Conversion Chart (1)
- Leather Keychains (12)
- Light Up Pens (12)
- Logos Woven Fabric, Mini Carpet, Christian, Bookmarks (80)
- Love Expression Coins (37)
- Lo•gos Jewelry (202)
- Magnetic Bookmarks (24)
- Medical Coins (2)
- Messianic Jewelry (13)
- Mother of Pearl Rosaries (30)
- Multi-Tools (16)
- New Arrivals (64)
- Note Cards (2)
- Olive Wood - Comfort Angel (5)
- Olive Wood - Holy Land (520)
- Olive Wood Bracelets (26)
- Olive Wood Christmas Ornaments (95)
- Olive Wood Crosses (152)
- Olive Wood Finger Rosary (1)
- Olive Wood Icons (64)
- Olive Wood Keychains (12)
- Olive Wood Magnets (51)
- Olive Wood Memorial Crosses (4)
- Olive Wood Mezuzahs (8)
- Olive Wood Nativities (72)
- Olive Wood Nativity Sets (16)
- Olive Wood Necklaces (40)
- Olive Wood Pendant/Charm - Catholic (1)
- Olive Wood Plaques (33)
- Olive Wood Scripture Plaques (10)
- Pass Along Cards - Joy (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Trust (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Don't Worry (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Faith (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Healing (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Hope (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Peace (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Praise (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Prayer (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Protection (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Purpose (6)
- Pass Along Cards - Stand Firm (5)
- Pass Along Scripture Card Assortments (21)
- Pass Along Scripture Cards (174)
- Patriotic (3)
- Pectoral Crosses (4)
- Pens (43)
- Pens - Deluxe Scripture Pens (15)
- Pens - Scripture Pen and Bookmark Sets (22)
- Poster Prints (23)
- Prayer Cards (1)
- Public Servant Christian Coins (13)
- Recipe Cards (6)
- Rosary, Olive Wood (42)
- Saint Benedict Crosses with Italian made Medal from the Holy Land (5)
- Sandalwood Beard Combs (12)
- School Coins (4)
- Scripture Art Prints (12)
- Scripture Bar Pendant (16)
- Scripture Cards to Pass them on (24)
- Scripture Magnets (50)
- Scripture Pen and Flashlight Sets (6)
- Seven Churches of Revelation (17)
- Soft Touch Barrel Cross Pens (9)
- Spanish Bookmarks (3)
- Sports Coins (19)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry (71)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Chains (7)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Leather Band Bracelets (15)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Men's Bracelets (5)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Necklaces (4)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Pendants (30)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Rings (2)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Women's Bracelets (8)
- Star of David (10)
- Statues (8)
- Sterling Silver Bracelets (4)
- Sterling Silver Chains (13)
- Sterling Silver Earrings (25)
- Sterling Silver for Him (9)
- Sterling Silver Gifts For Mom (8)
- Sterling Silver Necklaces (5)
- Sterling Silver Pendants - Christian Fine Jewelry (237)
- Sterling Silver Sets (10)
- Tape Measures (12)
- Thanksgiving - Products (12)
- Thin Scripture Pens (10)
- Tire Gauges (8)
- Trust in The Lord! (26)
- Wall Crosses - Catholic (15)
- Wallet Scripture Cards (39)
- Wallets (16)
- Wooden Icons (11)
- Words of Life Cross Necklaces (37)
Logos Coins is a brand of best-selling Christian challenge coins offered by Logos Trading Post. These coins are excellent tools to be used to encourage believers. Bulk, quantity discounts are available on every one of our Christian challenge coins for sale, but these discounts are also available on the assortments you see on this page. Whether for Church groups and ministries or for as individuals who would like to use Christian Challenge Coins, we’ve got something to suit your needs. Each of our assortments feature three different designs - perfect if you want to give gifts to multiple people or if you’re interested in starting a collection!
You can encourage your pastor, friend, any man, woman, or teenager. Stories abound of our customers are using these Christian challenge coins as gifts for Eagle Scouts, those someone recovering from addiction, or just simply other believers as a token of appreciation. We are dedicated to providing coins of the very best quality. All of our coins are scripture-based such that they might help you with your Christian faith walk.
Our religious challenge coin collection is only getting bigger! We offer coins related to the Fruit of the Spirit, classic scriptures like John 3:16, classical prayers, communion, confirmations, graduations, love, sports, school, and many, many more.
All of the challenge coins for sale under the brand of Logos Coins are built with only the best craftsmanship. We have 6 different assortments available, but feel free to pick a favorite; whichever you purchase, you’ll be receiving 3 excellent gold-plated coins.
Assortment 6 - Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins, Value Variety Pack of 3
Now get more of our best-selling challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different coins for a discounted price. Each one of our challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the Christian faith, and to...
Assortment 1 - Value Variety Pack of 3 Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins
Now get more of our best-selling Christian challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different Christian coins for a discounted price. Each one of our Christian challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the Christian...
Assortment 4 - Value Variety Pack of 3 Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins
Now get more of our best-selling Christian challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different Christian Challenge coins for a discounted price. Each one of our Christian challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the...
Assortment 5 - Value Variety Pack of 3 Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins
Now get more of our best-selling challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different Christian Challenge Coins for a discounted price. Each one of our challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the Christian faith,...
Assortment 3 - Value Variety Pack of 3 Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins
Now get more of our best-selling Christian challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different coins for a discounted price. Each one of our Christian challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the Christian faith,...
Assortment 2 - Value Variety Pack of 3 Antique Gold Plated Christian Challenge Coins
Now get more of our best-selling Christian challenge coins for less with one of 6 bundles. Each bundle comes with three different Christian coins for a discounted price. Each one of our Christian challenge coins is meant to serve as a powerful reminder of a specific aspect of the Christian...
Challenge Coins, The Widow’s Coin, & The Treasures of Heaven
Luke 21:1-4 says, “Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, ‘Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.’” Perhaps this story is one you can remember when you look at your own Christian challenge coin. Whatever the occasion, we are happy to be a challenge coin company that can do more than just provide a quality product; we hope to provide Christian challenge coins that strengthen and enrich your faith as well!
This story is an important one to dwell on, because it has to do with the nature of giving and the nature of faith and trust in God.
The Bible is clear that God is our foundation, not finances, though He has indeed given us all the opportunity to be wise with our money. The Bible does not say that you cannot or should not be rich, but it suggests that both wealth and poverty must be approached with a steady mind and a heart of contentment. For example, Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:17-19, “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” In this letter to Timothy, Paul is not admonishing the rich for being rich. Instead, he merely says that they should not place their faith in riches - that’s reserved for God, for He is the true provider. The wealthy must also not neglect the true treasure and the true meaning of life on earth: to do good works in love and to please the Lord. This is indicated by the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21, in which He says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
As a challenge coin company and business that relies on the purchases of customers, we have no doubt that there is meaning and purpose behind having money in this world. What is key is that money is not seen as our foundation or as our master. After all, Jesus continues His thought in Matthew 6, now in verse 24, saying, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Finances can be a great tool to make meaningful ministry happen in the Kingdom of God, but we can’t count on money as we would a master and should God.
Challenge Coins, The Widow’s Coin, and The Nature of Giving
The widow in our passage from Luke understood all of the above quite well, as humble as she may have seemed and as simple as her act may have appeared to the untrained eye. The rich in the story counted on their wealth more than they counted on God, so, though they gave a lot, they didn’t give anything they couldn’t live without. The widow, on the other hand, gave much less - just one coin, after all - but she gave all that she had. Maybe her contribution was less important in the worlds eyes, but given a perspective from the Kingdom of God, the coin she gave was a much greater and much more meaningful act of faith.
However, not only was the widow’s act a greater sacrifice and given in faith, but her reward from God is said to be greater. Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and all of your vats will be bursting with wine.” This is a principle all throughout the Old Testament, especially after the Law of Moses was given on Mt. Sinai. In regards to covenant sacrifices, it was important that the best was dedicated to God - the first of the harvest rather than the last, the unblemished and healthiest animals rather than the weakest, and so on.
Life in the Kingdom is not as simple as “do the right thing, and good things will happen; do the wrong thing, and bad things will happen,” but still, when we live as God wills, it sets us in a posture of faith that He can bless us and provide for us. After all, Jesus does say in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Challenge Coins & A Commitment to Generosity
Not only did the widow’s coin represent a great act of faith, but it yielded her a greater reward, as she demonstrated faithfulness to God and dependency on Him rather than money. It is our hope that all of the Christian challenge coins for sale on this site may remind you of this story, as well as enrich your faith with their engravings. In the meantime, we will continue to be a challenge coin company devoted to generosity. We choose to profit so that we can provide for our families, but also so that we can give proceeds to Christian ministries that spread the gospel. Giving for its own sake is a beautiful thing, but God is faithful to bless those faithful to Him as well. Whether you make a purchase of one of our Christian challenge coins, one of our other products, or nothing at all for now, it is our hope most of all that you can give freely in all areas of life, trusting that God is your ultimate provider. May He bring blessing to you, wherever you are!