Showing: 1-24 of 26

Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, White Beads and Inlet Cross


This unique  Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, White Beads and Inlet Cross will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm...

Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Beads and Inlet Cross


This unique  Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Beads and Inlet Cross will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm that...

Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, White Beads and Cross Dangle


This unique  Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, White Bears and Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm...

Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Gold Beads and Cross/Dove Dangle


This unique  Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Gold Beads and Cross/Dove Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm...

Stretch Bracelet with Olive Wood Beads and Cross Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm that will...

Stretch Bracelet with Elongated Olive Wood Beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with elongated beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Olive Wood and Pink Beads, Inline Cross and Crucifix Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with pink beads and Crucifix Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...

Virgin Mary & Jesus Medal, Car Mirror Rosary with Crucifix and Clasp, One Decade Catholic Charm Bracelet, Holy Land Olive Wood Beads, Religious Car Accessory for Rearview


Virgin Mary and Jesus, Holy Land Olive Wood Pocket Auto RosaryThis rosary features a medal of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus. The medal features embedded soil from the Holy Land of Jerusalem.This hand-sized pocket auto rosary is conveniently sized so that it can be carried with you in a...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Olive Wood and Silver Beads, Inline Cross with Virgin Mary and Crucifix Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with silver beads, Inline Cross with Virgin Mary and Crucifix Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood, Gold, and Purple Beads and Cross with Dove Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped gold and purple beads and Cross with Dove Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Alternating Olive Wood and Gold Beads and Crucifix Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with alternating gold beads, and Crucifix Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Olive Wood and Aqua Beads and Crucifix Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with aqua beads and Crucifix Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...

2 Decade Bracelet with Large 1cm Olive Wood Beads and Crucifix Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood 2 Decade Stretch Bracelet with large 1cm beads and Crucifix Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Alternating Olive Wood and White Beads and Cross Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with alternating white beads and Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Olive Wood and Aqua Beads and Cross Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with aqua beads and Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...

Twist Stretch Bracelet with Olive Wood Beads and Cross Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Twist Stretch Bracelet with Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm that...

Helix Stretch Wrap Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood and White Beads and Cross Dangle in Velvet Box


This unique Olive Wood Helix Stretch Bracelet with grouped white beads and Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood, Gold, and Pink Beads and Cross with Dove Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped gold and pink beads and Cross with Dove Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood, White, and Blue Beads and Cross with Dove Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped white and blue beads and Cross with Dove Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood and Pink Beads and Cross Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped pink beads and Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...

Stretch Bracelet with Olive Wood Beads and Inline Jerusalem Cross


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with inline Jerusalem Cross will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver plated charm that...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood and Purple Beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped purple beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached...

Stretch Bracelet with Grouped Olive Wood and White Beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle


This unique Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet with grouped white beads and Jerusalem Cross Dangle will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached...

Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Pink Beads and Jerusalem Cross, Virgin Mary


This unique  Olive Wood Stretch Bracelet, Pink Beads and Jerusalem Cross, Virgin Mary will make the perfect accent to any outfit. Handcrafted out of genuine olive wood from the Holy Land of Bethlehem, this beautiful bracelet can be worn formally as well as casually. Each comes with an attached silver...


Olive Wood & Adoption into the Family of God

Paul the apostle writes in Romans 11:17, “But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree.” As we appreciate these Christian bead bracelets made of olive wood, it is a blessing to remember that we are a part of God’s family, added like branches grafted into an olive tree. It is a great joy to think about our connections with God in this way, and it promotes a healthy understanding of our roles as individual believers.

After all, Paul continues in verses 18-24, “Do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree?”

In this instance, Paul is talking about the chosen people of God, the people of the Holy Land of Israel, and how at that time they had rejected the Savior that God sent to them, being “cut off” by their unbelief. As a result, the Gentiles - which, odds are, make up most of the people reading this - were able to become people of God by this “grafting” process, a process initiated and made possible by the sacrifice, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. All of this is to say, let us be grateful for all that God has done for us, making us a part of His family and continuing to nourish us, the branches, through Himself, the root. A branch can only be strong if the tree it is attached to is strong. Let us acknowledge Him in all of our ways, remembering that we were adopted and grafted in, but nonetheless we are totally loved and cherished by Him.

The Olive Tree of Scripture

Now, Paul’s analogy of an olive tree makes more sense and takes on an even deeper meaning when we look at it in the greater context of scripture and Israelite / Jewish belief. In general, the olive tree was seen as a symbol of God’s blessing and continual providence for those who believe in Him. As such, it makes a lot of sense why Paul would describe our dependent relationship with God through the olive tree; by His strength, we can be strong; when His Kingdom flourishes, so can we!

The first instance of the olive tree being mentioned in scripture is in Genesis 8, chronicling the receding of the flood in the story of Noah’s Ark. Verses 8-11 tell us, “Then he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground. But the dove found no place to set her foot, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took her and brought her into the ark with him. He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth.”

In the aftermath of all the destruction wrought by the flood, God showed Noah that He had still preserved creation for him and his family to live upon after it was all over, and He did this using a leaf from the olive tree. In general, the olive tree instills peace in scripture; it is like God saying, “Don’t worry, though your trial has been hard, it has not been in vain; I am here, and I will provide for you.” After all, centuries after the flood, God’s people took the Promised Land, and it was filled with olive trees. From then on, the olive tree, olive oil, and olive wood were recurring images in Israelite writing, such as Psalm 52:8, which says, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.

The Olive Tree Endures

Even to this day, the olive tree is an important part of life in the Holy Land, Holy Land Olive Wood being an important aspect of their commerce and economy. We wish to support the business of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, so we are very happy to stock hand-carved Holy Land Olive Wood products such as these olive wood bead bracelets. We are not only providing high-quality Christian bead bracelets to our customers, but we are supporting Christian business and ministry in the Holy Land through our support. We are glad to engage with such an important resource in such a historically rich part of the world. As such, we encourage you to see and feel for yourself the quality of hand-carved olive wood bead bracelets from the Holy Land!