- 3D Art Crystals (6)
- Air Fresheners- Christian and Catholic (4)
- All Christian Bookmarks (353)
- Armor of God Coin Collection (14)
- Auto Rosaries (30)
- Baptism Gifts Boys and Girls (64)
- Birthstones (36)
- Boho Cross Bracelets (5)
- Bookmark Bible Cards (4)
- Bookmark Sets (28)
- Bookmarks (233)
- Bookmarks - Assurance (10)
- Bookmarks - Christian Life (15)
- Bookmarks - Confession (4)
- Bookmarks - God (3)
- Bookmarks - Mission (5)
- Bookmarks - Prayer (3)
- Bookmarks - Salvation (7)
- Bookmarks - Scripture (3)
- Bookmarks - Scripture Card (95)
- Bookmarks - Tasseled (59)
- Bookmarks - Tatted (7)
- Bulk - Wholesale - Olive Wood Ornaments and Nativities- Located in USA (115)
- Bulk Anointing Oils (19)
- Catholic - Icon Keyrings (12)
- Catholic Gifts (400)
- Catholic Jewelry (75)
- Catholic Medallions (2)
- Catholic Olive Wood Crosses (82)
- Catholic Olive Wood Stand Plaques (26)
- Catholic Pins (7)
- Catholic Tapestry Rosary Pouch (37)
- Children's Bookmark Assortments (6)
- Children's Christian Bookmarks (70)
- Children's Pass Along Card Assortments (6)
- Children's Pass Along Cards (30)
- Children's Poster Prints (10)
- Christian Bookmark Assortments (47)
- Christian Bookmark Bulk Packs (154)
- Christian Challenge Coins (139)
- Christian Rings for Men and Women (58)
- Christmas (181)
- Christmas Cards (13)
- Christmas Jewelry (1)
- Christmas Olive Wood (115)
- Christmas Ornaments (148)
- Coin Assortments (6)
- Comfort Crosses (30)
- Communion Cups (1)
- Confirmation & Christening Gifts (150)
- Cross Necklace Wood (40)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Desk (10)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Wall (24)
- Desk Accessories (3)
- Easter - Resurrection Products (22)
- Father's Day (39)
- Featured (172)
- First Communion Gifts (98)
- Flashlights (30)
- Fridge Scripture Magnets (55)
- Handyman Pens (14)
- Holiday Bookmarks (14)
- Holy Land Anointing Oil from Israel For Prayer (86)
- Holy Water Bottles (35)
- Hot Deals (14)
- Influencers Ministries Journey Products (6)
- Jerusalem Cross (22)
- John 3:16 Coins: God's Love Challenge Coin Collection (3)
- Kitchen Conversion Chart (1)
- Leather Keychains (12)
- Light Up Pens (12)
- Logos Woven Fabric, Mini Carpet, Christian, Bookmarks (80)
- Love Expression Coins (37)
- Lo•gos Jewelry (202)
- Magnetic Bookmarks (24)
- Medical Coins (2)
- Messianic Jewelry (13)
- Mother of Pearl Rosaries (30)
- Multi-Tools (16)
- New Arrivals (64)
- Note Cards (2)
- Olive Wood - Comfort Angel (5)
- Olive Wood - Holy Land (520)
- Olive Wood Bracelets (26)
- Olive Wood Christmas Ornaments (95)
- Olive Wood Crosses (152)
- Olive Wood Finger Rosary (1)
- Olive Wood Icons (64)
- Olive Wood Keychains (12)
- Olive Wood Magnets (51)
- Olive Wood Memorial Crosses (4)
- Olive Wood Mezuzahs (8)
- Olive Wood Nativities (72)
- Olive Wood Nativity Sets (16)
- Olive Wood Necklaces (40)
- Olive Wood Pendant/Charm - Catholic (1)
- Olive Wood Plaques (33)
- Olive Wood Scripture Plaques (10)
- Pass Along Cards - Joy (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Trust (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Don't Worry (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Faith (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Healing (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Hope (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Peace (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Praise (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Prayer (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Protection (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Purpose (6)
- Pass Along Cards - Stand Firm (5)
- Pass Along Scripture Card Assortments (21)
- Pass Along Scripture Cards (174)
- Patriotic (3)
- Pectoral Crosses (4)
- Pens (43)
- Pens - Deluxe Scripture Pens (15)
- Pens - Scripture Pen and Bookmark Sets (22)
- Poster Prints (23)
- Prayer Cards (1)
- Public Servant Christian Coins (13)
- Recipe Cards (6)
- Rosary, Olive Wood (42)
- Saint Benedict Crosses with Italian made Medal from the Holy Land (5)
- Sandalwood Beard Combs (12)
- School Coins (4)
- Scripture Art Prints (12)
- Scripture Bar Pendant (16)
- Scripture Cards to Pass them on (24)
- Scripture Magnets (50)
- Scripture Pen and Flashlight Sets (6)
- Seven Churches of Revelation (17)
- Soft Touch Barrel Cross Pens (9)
- Spanish Bookmarks (3)
- Sports Coins (19)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry (71)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Chains (7)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Leather Band Bracelets (15)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Men's Bracelets (5)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Necklaces (4)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Pendants (30)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Rings (2)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Women's Bracelets (8)
- Star of David (10)
- Statues (8)
- Sterling Silver Bracelets (4)
- Sterling Silver Chains (13)
- Sterling Silver Earrings (25)
- Sterling Silver for Him (9)
- Sterling Silver Gifts For Mom (8)
- Sterling Silver Necklaces (5)
- Sterling Silver Pendants - Christian Fine Jewelry (237)
- Sterling Silver Sets (10)
- Tape Measures (12)
- Thanksgiving - Products (12)
- Thin Scripture Pens (10)
- Tire Gauges (8)
- Trust in The Lord! (26)
- Wall Crosses - Catholic (15)
- Wallet Scripture Cards (39)
- Wallets (16)
- Wooden Icons (11)
- Words of Life Cross Necklaces (37)
These crosses are handcrafted in Bethlehem of the Biblical Holy Land, and we can assure you that they are of the highest quality. In this collection of Holy Land olive wood standing crosses, we have a variety of products to suit a variety of believers. We multiple versions and sizes of standing Jerusalem crosses, thin plank crosses, and wide plank crosses. Whatever your selection, we are proud to carry only the finest of olive wood carvings. It is also worth mentioning that whichever of our many products you choose, you’re in for something entirely unique. Since you would be getting a hand-carved Holy Land olive wood cross, every single one has a unique wood grain due to olive wood’s natural variations.
Whichever you choose, or if you’re interested in something else on our website, we are happy to be a blessing to you through our business!
Large Olive Wood Standing Cross
$79.99 $69.99
These high quality Large Olive Wood Standing Crosses are handcrafted out of genuine, natural olive wood from the Biblical region of Ephesus. The timeless design makes them an excellent addition to any décor. Due to the natural variations in olive wood, each individual cross is completely unique and may vary in...
12" Olive Wood Standing Cross
These high quality 12" Olive Wood Standing Crosses are handcrafted out of genuine, natural olive wood from the Biblical region of Ephesus. The timeless design makes them an excellent addition to any décor. Due to the natural variations in olive wood, each individual cross is completely unique.Size: 6.5" x 12"...
Holy Land 15" Genuine Olive Wood Standing Cross
These high quality solid Holy Land 15" Genuine Olive Wood Standing Crosses are handcrafted out of genuine, natural olive wood from the Biblical region of Ephesus. The timeless design makes them an excellent addition to any décor. Due to the natural variations in olive wood, each individual cross is completely...
Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Small
This artisanal Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Small was crafted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. This olive wood Jerusalem-style tabletop cross is a fantastic addition to any home or office décor. Remember the sacrifice of our savior Jesus Christ with this rustic, inviting olive wood cross.Due to the natural variations...
Holy Land 7" Genuine Olive Wood Standing Cross
These high quality Holy Land 7" Genuine Olive Wood Standing Crosses are handcrafted out of genuine, natural olive wood from the Biblical region of Ephesus. The timeless design makes them an excellent addition to any décor. Due to the natural variations in olive wood, each individual cross is completely unique....
Jerusalem Cross on a Stand - Small
This artisanal Jerusalem Cross on a Stand - Small was crafted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. This olive wood Jerusalem-style tabletop cross is a fantastic addition to any home or office décor. Remember the sacrifice of our savior Jesus Christ with this rustic, inviting olive wood cross.Due to the...
Simple Olive Wood Cross
Made in the Holy Land of Israel, these simple crosses are made from sustainably sourced olive wood by local artisans in Bethlehem, Israel. Each cross is 7/16 of an inch thick. Due to the nature of the wood and the individuality of the artisans, each cross is unique. Size: 2.5"...
Jerusalem Cross on a Stand - Large
This artisanal Jerusalem Cross on a Stand - Large was crafted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. This olive wood Jerusalem-style tabletop cross is a fantastic addition to any home or office décor. Remember the sacrifice of our savior Jesus Christ with this rustic, inviting olive wood cross.Due to the natural...
Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Medium
This artisanal Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Medium was crafted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. This olive wood Jerusalem-style tabletop cross is a fantastic addition to any home or office décor. Remember the sacrifice of our savior Jesus Christ with this rustic, inviting olive wood cross.Due to the natural variations...
Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Large
This artisanal Jerusalem Cross Combo on Stand - Large was crafted in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. This olive wood Jerusalem-style tabletop cross is a fantastic addition to any home or office décor. Remember the sacrifice of our savior Jesus Christ with this rustic, inviting olive wood cross.Due to the natural variations...
Our Debt & Our Redeemer
Colossians 2:14 says, “By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” The cross was a tool of great pain and death when it was used in Rome, but Christ has made it into a glorious reminder of His victory and the cancelling of the debt we would have paid for our sin. Whatever shape it takes or whatever design is carved into it, the wooden cross is all about Him. We are happy to carry such a variety of olive wood crosses so that we can be a blessing and a reminder of His goodness to believers of all kinds.
Now, naturally, to understand the goodness of the redemption Jesus accomplished on the cross, it helps to understand the depth of what He has actually redeemed us from. Indeed, the sin of humanity is great, but He is greater.
The Depth of Our Debt
First, it is important to note that our sinfulness and fallenness is inescapable. No matter who you are or how moral you try to be, to be righteous and justified, Christ’s sacrifice on His wooden cross is necessary for you. Sin is not only a matter of what we do; it is in our blood. Biblically, we are all descended from Adam. Paul writes in Romans 5:12-14, “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned - for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.” At the surface, that can seem a bit cryptic, but the point is, because Adam sinned, all who descend from Him are sinners, no matter how much good they do. Perhaps no other passage of makes this clearer than Psalm 51:3-5, in which he writes, “For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Sin in us is inherent, so we must note that we all need redemption.
After all, doesn’t Paul write in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”? To make matters more dire, he writes on in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin in death.” Not only are all of us sinful inherently, but due to this sinfulness, we deserve nothing short of death. This is truly awful - a fate we deserve by our nature and have no means to escape on our own. What can be done? Well, John 3:3-4 chronicles, “Jesus answered him, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus said to him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old?’”
The Glory of His Wooden Cross & The Redemption Within
However, take heart! As we wrote above, the sin of humanity is great, but He is greater. John 3 continues, with Jesus saying in the classic John 3:16-17, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” It is not God’s desire that the world resign to death from sin. How is the world saved through the son? By the pure Son paying that debt of sin, the death we deserved. Colossians 1:19-22 says of Him, “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile himself to all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him.”
Giving His Son was a high price for the Father to pay, but He did it willingly. Then, crucifixion on a wooden cross was a high price for the Son to pay, but He did it willingly as well - for our sakes. When you look at the shape of the cross, whether it is as grand as a stone one atop the highest church cathedral or it is as simple and profound as a Logos Trading Post Holy Land olive wood cross, remember just how grave our sin would be without it, but also take heart and remember just how high a price Jesus was willing to pay just for the chance that you would believe in Him and experience redemption - the cancellation of your sin debt.
The Standing Cross: A Continual Reminder
All of these things said, it is our great hope that our standing crosses would be enriching things for your faith or for the faith of others, continually reminding you that you are justified in His eyes and free to live a righteous life. We ensure that each Holy Land olive wood cross of ours is built sturdy and carved by a person of faith. By this excellent craftsmanship, it can endure for years to come as a reminder of the God who loves you and was willing to pay an incredible price for you. Our sin is great, but His cross is greater!