- 3D Art Crystals (6)
- Air Fresheners- Christian and Catholic (4)
- All Christian Bookmarks (353)
- Armor of God Coin Collection (14)
- Auto Rosaries (30)
- Baptism Gifts Boys and Girls (64)
- Birthstones (36)
- Boho Cross Bracelets (5)
- Bookmark Bible Cards (4)
- Bookmark Sets (28)
- Bookmarks (233)
- Bookmarks - Assurance (10)
- Bookmarks - Christian Life (15)
- Bookmarks - Confession (4)
- Bookmarks - God (3)
- Bookmarks - Mission (5)
- Bookmarks - Prayer (3)
- Bookmarks - Salvation (7)
- Bookmarks - Scripture (3)
- Bookmarks - Scripture Card (95)
- Bookmarks - Tasseled (59)
- Bookmarks - Tatted (7)
- Bulk - Wholesale - Olive Wood Ornaments and Nativities- Located in USA (115)
- Bulk Anointing Oils (19)
- Catholic - Icon Keyrings (12)
- Catholic Gifts (400)
- Catholic Jewelry (75)
- Catholic Medallions (2)
- Catholic Olive Wood Crosses (82)
- Catholic Olive Wood Stand Plaques (26)
- Catholic Pins (7)
- Catholic Tapestry Rosary Pouch (37)
- Children's Bookmark Assortments (6)
- Children's Christian Bookmarks (70)
- Children's Pass Along Card Assortments (6)
- Children's Pass Along Cards (30)
- Children's Poster Prints (10)
- Christian Bookmark Assortments (47)
- Christian Bookmark Bulk Packs (154)
- Christian Challenge Coins (139)
- Christian Rings for Men and Women (58)
- Christmas (181)
- Christmas Cards (13)
- Christmas Jewelry (1)
- Christmas Olive Wood (115)
- Christmas Ornaments (148)
- Coin Assortments (6)
- Comfort Crosses (30)
- Communion Cups (1)
- Confirmation & Christening Gifts (150)
- Cross Necklace Wood (40)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Desk (10)
- Crosses - Olive Wood for Wall (24)
- Desk Accessories (3)
- Easter - Resurrection Products (22)
- Father's Day (39)
- Featured (172)
- First Communion Gifts (98)
- Flashlights (30)
- Fridge Scripture Magnets (55)
- Handyman Pens (14)
- Holiday Bookmarks (14)
- Holy Land Anointing Oil from Israel For Prayer (86)
- Holy Water Bottles (35)
- Hot Deals (14)
- Influencers Ministries Journey Products (6)
- Jerusalem Cross (22)
- John 3:16 Coins: God's Love Challenge Coin Collection (3)
- Kitchen Conversion Chart (1)
- Leather Keychains (12)
- Light Up Pens (12)
- Logos Woven Fabric, Mini Carpet, Christian, Bookmarks (80)
- Love Expression Coins (37)
- Lo•gos Jewelry (202)
- Magnetic Bookmarks (24)
- Medical Coins (2)
- Messianic Jewelry (13)
- Mother of Pearl Rosaries (30)
- Multi-Tools (16)
- New Arrivals (64)
- Note Cards (2)
- Olive Wood - Comfort Angel (5)
- Olive Wood - Holy Land (520)
- Olive Wood Bracelets (26)
- Olive Wood Christmas Ornaments (95)
- Olive Wood Crosses (152)
- Olive Wood Finger Rosary (1)
- Olive Wood Icons (64)
- Olive Wood Keychains (12)
- Olive Wood Magnets (51)
- Olive Wood Memorial Crosses (4)
- Olive Wood Mezuzahs (8)
- Olive Wood Nativities (72)
- Olive Wood Nativity Sets (16)
- Olive Wood Necklaces (40)
- Olive Wood Pendant/Charm - Catholic (1)
- Olive Wood Plaques (33)
- Olive Wood Scripture Plaques (10)
- Pass Along Cards - Joy (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Trust (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Don't Worry (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Faith (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Healing (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Hope (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Peace (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Praise (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Prayer (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Protection (5)
- Pass Along Cards - Purpose (6)
- Pass Along Cards - Stand Firm (5)
- Pass Along Scripture Card Assortments (21)
- Pass Along Scripture Cards (174)
- Patriotic (3)
- Pectoral Crosses (4)
- Pens (43)
- Pens - Deluxe Scripture Pens (15)
- Pens - Scripture Pen and Bookmark Sets (22)
- Poster Prints (23)
- Prayer Cards (1)
- Public Servant Christian Coins (13)
- Recipe Cards (6)
- Rosary, Olive Wood (42)
- Saint Benedict Crosses with Italian made Medal from the Holy Land (5)
- Sandalwood Beard Combs (12)
- School Coins (4)
- Scripture Art Prints (12)
- Scripture Bar Pendant (16)
- Scripture Cards to Pass them on (24)
- Scripture Magnets (50)
- Scripture Pen and Flashlight Sets (6)
- Seven Churches of Revelation (17)
- Soft Touch Barrel Cross Pens (9)
- Spanish Bookmarks (3)
- Sports Coins (19)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry (71)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Chains (7)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Leather Band Bracelets (15)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Men's Bracelets (5)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Necklaces (4)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Pendants (30)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Rings (2)
- Stainless Steel Jewelry - Women's Bracelets (8)
- Star of David (10)
- Statues (8)
- Sterling Silver Bracelets (4)
- Sterling Silver Chains (13)
- Sterling Silver Earrings (25)
- Sterling Silver for Him (9)
- Sterling Silver Gifts For Mom (8)
- Sterling Silver Necklaces (5)
- Sterling Silver Pendants - Christian Fine Jewelry (237)
- Sterling Silver Sets (10)
- Tape Measures (12)
- Thanksgiving - Products (12)
- Thin Scripture Pens (10)
- Tire Gauges (8)
- Trust in The Lord! (26)
- Wall Crosses - Catholic (15)
- Wallet Scripture Cards (39)
- Wallets (16)
- Wooden Icons (11)
- Words of Life Cross Necklaces (37)
This collection of Bible bookmarks on God’s love and promises consists of 3 distinct designs, each with its own unique photo background and reference to scripture. These - and any other bookmarks on our site - are also excellent for those interested in bulk bookmarks; despite the low price, each Bible verse bookmark design comes in a pack of 25! So, whether you’re a business looking to sell Christian bookmarks wholesale or you’re a generous individual looking for bulk bookmarks to give away as a blessing to others, you have come to the right place! Thank you so much for your visit today!
A Child is Born Bookmarks, Pack of 25 - Christian Bookmarks
Bible cards, Christian Bookmarks that come in a pack of 25. Double sided, full color, 2" by 6". These cards are perfect for leaving a bit of encouragement with someone and showing the love of God and truth of His word. Leave one in your child’s lunch box, your coworker’s...
Have You Not Known? Bookmarks, Pack of 25 - Christian Bookmarks
Bible cards, Christian Bookmarks that come in a pack of 25. These cards are perfect for leaving a bit of encouragement with someone and showing the love of God and truth of His word. Leave one in your child’s lunch box, your coworker’s desk, or in a note to a...
And You Will Seek Me and Find Me Bookmarks, Pack of 25 - Christian Bookmarks
Bible cards, Christian Bookmarks that come in a pack of 25. These cards are perfect for leaving a bit of encouragement with someone and showing the love of God and truth of His word. Leave one in your child’s lunch box, your coworker’s desk, or in a note to a...
The Unchanging God of Unyielding Promises
God is full of love, and He is totally faithful to keep His promises. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” God is always exactly who He is, always able to be counted on. Therefore, promises He made to the Children of God - even thousands of years ago - remain firm and true. He sticks to His word, so the promises we find in the scriptures will always be true. The unchanging promises and steadfast love of God are very important to us at Logos Trading Post, so we have dedicated this collection of bookmarks to serve as encouraging daily reminders of those things.
Who is God?
We believe that God is good and His promises are true, but who is He, really? Answering this question can be more complex than one might think, especially in light of 1 John 4:12, which tells us, “No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us and His love is perfected in us.” Now, this isn’t bad, mind you. In fact, it gives us a good direction to strive in. Loving one another is an opportunity for Him to remain in us and be revealed. Further, other ways to read “His love is perfected,” are “His love is completed,” or “His love is made whole.” That is to say, we are a key component to God revealing Himself, especially the nature of His love. It doesn’t have to be complicated, hyper spiritual love, either, though that is always welcome. God’s love is found in the simple things we do for one another, like taking a friend out for coffee, giving a coat to your local homeless shelter, or even giving small gifts, like one of our Bible bookmarks, if we may be so bold.
That said, our love for one another is only part of the way that God lets Himself be known. The introduction of John’s Gospel uses the same language as John’s epistle, “No one has ever seen God,” yet if offers a different solution to the issue at hand. John 1:18 reveals a wonderful truth, saying, “No one has ever seen God. The One and Only Son - the One who is at the Father’s side - He has revealed Him.” This is good news! As a matter of fact, it is the good news, the gospel! Jesus Christ, in His character, in His love, in His sacrifice, and in His glory, has revealed the essence of God before human eyes, and He has provided a way for us to know Him.
Who is God to You?
If you’re here on this website, chances are you believe in God. You believe that He’s real, that He died and came back to life through the Son, Jesus, and perhaps even that He’s actively at work in the universe, but they key question of any Christian faith journey is whether or not you know Him. God is the creator of the cosmos, of the heavens and the earth. God is a perfect being, holy in nature, with only good at His core. God is love. These really are truths, but who is He to you?
No, we’re not talking about relativity here. God really is who He is; like James says in the verse above, He isn’t changing like the shadows and He certainly isn’t bending over backward just to make Himself appealing to. At some level, though, there is the reality of knowing God personally, in your own situation. Paul, God’s apostle, says in 1 Corinthians 9:19-22,
“Although I am a free man and not anyone’s slave, I have made myself a slave to everyone, in order to win more people. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win Jews; to those under the law, like one under the law - though I myself am not under the law - to win those under the law. To those who are without the law, like one without the law - not being without God’s law but within Christ’s law - to win those without the law. To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some.”
Paul is not God, of course, but he was a messenger on His behalf. God revealed Himself in a variety of ways to a variety of people through Paul presenting different characteristics.
The point, then, is, how have you come to know Him, to relate to Him? Is He more lion, or more lamb? More transcendent, or more intimate? More Father, or more Son? These are dichotomies which God is somehow, perhaps even paradoxically, able to inhabit both sides of. The answers are different for everyone, but you must enter into the middle of His complexities and discover the joy of knowing Him deeply. Christianity at the surface level is a good start, but it cannot compare to the endless journey of discovering who God really is.
What Does Any of This Have to Do with Christian Bookmarks?
You might be wondering at this point what any of this has to do with Christian bookmarks celebrating the love and promises of God, and we wouldn’t blame you! Here’s where we stand: we think our Christian bookmarks are an excellent tool to help you know God better, whether used as Bible bookmarks or otherwise. These bookmarks are each adorned with Bible verses about who He is and what He is promised; by becoming familiar with these bookmarks - seeing them over and over - you will gradually become more familiar with a certain aspect of God. He can be known through what the scriptures say about Him and what He has promised within the scriptures. Whether or not today you make a purchase of a Bible verse bookmark, we hope that you are encouraged by the fact that you believe in a God who wants to reveal Himself to you!