The Journey Christian Challenge Coin - John 15:5
The Journey coin is a 1.5" radius Christian Challenge coin. It is designed for The Influencers men ministry. This is the Influencers Journey Coin.
Front: Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust- Lion- Lamp- Shield- Crown and Cross
Back: Grapes - John15:5- He who abides in Me and I in him will bear much fruit
Influencers men ministries' goal is to help the men of God to abide in Christ. It takes Complete surrender, " Personal Abandonment, and Absolute Trust. This coin is a reminder of this call. Proceeds support Influencers ministries and spreading the Gospel in the Middle East.
" The Father replied that you must let go of trying to keep control of your life. It is that futile attempt at the control that keeps you from taking the next step. Control of one's life only an illusion anyway. Only Sovereign God can be in complete control. The question is, do you want God to be the Master of your life and control it, or do you want to continue your futile attempts to do so? To 'abandon" means to leave behind the attempt to be your own master."
" To 'trust absolutely' is the other retirement for entering the Feast in the inner Champer. If abandonment is the act of emptying one's hand of the illusion of control, trust is the act of grasping what Almighty God has to give back. Trusting absolutely is to trust in total, without reservation. " (*).
(*): Experts from The Journey To The Inner Chamber by Rocky Fleming.